Living Justice, Living Peace
The life and teachings of Jesus challenge us to be just and to live in peace.
Living Justice Living Peace provides a road map for our mission and deepens the Kildare Ministries’ Vision, Mission and Values. Jesus is our centre; informing our decisions, guiding our actions and restoring our spirit. Jesus called for creative and revolutionary changes. He taught by word and example that our compassion, love and reconciliation would lead to Justice and Peace. To the outsiders of his society, he offered a place at the table. The flame of hope stirs our belief that we can achieve a new and inclusive world. We identify four aspects of Jesus’ ministry: • Walking in Solidarity • Seeking Change • Inviting and Welcoming All • Healing Creation They enable a vision which prioritises individual dignity and our solidarity with one another and creation. These aspects inspire the three principles of: • Learning with Wonder • Leading with Courage • Living with Compassion |